Rename Chapter 6

This discussion has an associated proposal. View Proposal Details here.

Comments about this discussion:


Chapter 6 is caled "Artistic and Technical Records" and says "These are skill based records for the artistic freestyle, street, flatland and trials disciplines."

But actually this chapter contains only the jumping disciplines.
In my opinion this makes sense, because the disciplines Freestye, Street, Flat and Trial are not well designed to measure the performance in a way that is suitable for recognition as a WR.

I would therefore suggest to rename the chapter to "Jump Records" and to and to adapt the description.


During the first WR committee- I don't think we we had any freestyle or street riders (or this one too as far as I'm aware).  We put in artistic in case it was something that became important to expand on in future.  

There could be some potential for certain tricks to have a 'record'- for instance unispins, crankflips and pirouettes.

If we do change, I suggest we just call it 'technical records', rather than 'jumps', which may be too limiting if we want the option of adding certain tricks to this section. 


Just to add...I think it is important to be inclusive of all disciplines in our sport.  Hard to predict if this section will be used in future, but we reserved a space for them.


Ken is correct in that we don't have anyone on this committee who specialises in Freestyle or Street / Flatland. I didn't think (and I still don't think) this is needed for a WR Committee.

In view of Ken's comments, I think we could leave the name and description of Chapter 6 as it is. For some disciplines it will be hard to come up with viable records, but it feels harsh to leave them out altogether.



Freestyle, flatland, street are competitions where the winner is appointed by the jury, which makes it subjective. In that sense I mean these disciplines are not suitable to be in the IUF WR list. I agree that there is maybe some potential for the number of unispins, crankflips, pirouettes, ... but till now this are not "existing" unicycle disciplines, rather tricks that are used in unicycle disciplines. In best case they can be recorded as miscellaneous records, and, without being disrespectful, are more something for the Guinness book of records.

Trial, speedtrials, Muni competitions are more objective in terms of determining the winner, but they have in their nature that the course is not standardized, so I think we can agree that it is impossible to adopt them in the IUF WR-list.

Jumps instead are perfectly measurable and the measurement is determinative for the ranking.


I think Erik's remarks sum it up very well once again, so I fully share his view.

I also think that we do not have to reserve any space for records that may come in the future.
If new disciplines are added in which records can be set, then I think we can simply add a suitable category.


After reading the discussion once more, I think it makes sense to rename Chapter 6 to something like Jump Records.

I support the desire to be inclusive in terms of unicycling disciplines, but apparently in 2011 there were no other records than jump records that needed to be included in this Chapter. And as far as I know, this need has not arisen since 2011.

If at any point in the future the need would as yet arise to include artistic and techical records other than Jumps, they can be added at the next update round of the WRG. In view of the lack of development since 2011, there is no real need to be prepared to add such categories on short notice.


Let's see how Discussion #19 "New IUF World Record categories" pans out before actually proposing a name change to Chapter 6.


I understand your intention, but I think the jumps have their own chapter in the rulebook, so we can give them their own chapter in the WRG as well. If there is a new record category in the Urban category or if the jumps in the rulebook are moved to the Urban chapter sometime, we can still adjust the assignment in the WRG as well.


Jan, I think you can go ahead and create a proposal for this discussion. The way Discussion #19 is going, there is no overlap with the subject of renaming Chapter 6.


If there are no further remarks on the proposal in the next two days, I will put it to the vote.

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