The following proposals passed:

Proposal 12: Contacting IUF prior to an attempt no longer required, but recommended

Committee: Review and Update the Guidelines

Vote Summary:

Passed on January 17, 2019

Votes on this proposal:

9 out of 9 voting members have voted.

Agree: 8, Disagree: 0, Abstain: 1.


This proposal is based on Discussion #20.



3.1.2 Time measurement for standard track records
The IUF must be satisfied that the system is of a suitable accuracy, and should be approved by the IUF prior to a record

4.1.1 Course measurement for road racing records
Other measuring methods may be used, but must be equivalent in accuracy to the above method. If in doubt, approval
should be sought from the IUF prior to an attempt.

4.1.2 Time measurement for road racing records
(...) If in doubt, approval should be sought from the IUF prior to an attempt.

5.1.2 Time measurement for time trial records
(...) If in doubt, approval should be sought from the IUF prior to an attempt.



3.1.2 Time measurement for standard track records
The IUF must be satisfied that the system is of a suitable accuracy. In case of doubt about this, it is recommended that the IUF be contacted prior to a record attempt.

4.1.1 Course measurement for road racing records
Other measuring methods may be used, but must be equivalent in accuracy to the above method. In case of doubt about this, it is recommended that the IUF be contacted prior to a record attempt.

4.1.2 Time measurement for road racing records
(...)  In case of doubt about this, it is recommended that the IUF be contacted prior to a record attempt.

5.1.2 Time measurement for time trial records
(...)  In case of doubt about this, it is recommended that the IUF be contacted prior to a record attempt.


This proposal is based on Discussion #20.

The issue with 1.3 is dealt with in Proposal #10.

The issue with 1.6 is discussed in Discussion #19. I leave it out of here.

For the remaining four issues this proposal removes the requirement to contact IUF beforehand, and replaces it with a recommendation to do so in case of doubt.


Proposal 3: Rename Jump Events and adding Long Jump on Platform

Committee: Review and Update the Guidelines

Vote Summary:

Passed on January 17, 2019

Votes on this proposal:

9 out of 9 voting members have voted.

Agree: 9, Disagree: 0, Abstain: 0.


There is a discrepancy between the WR Guidelines, WR List and the Rulebook. To make everything consistent we should rename the jump events and follow the Rulebook for naming.

Furthermore there is no Long jump on platform in the WRG and we shoud add this discipline to the WRG.


Old Rule:

6.2.1 High jump

6.2.2 Long jump

6.2.3 Platform jump


New Rule:

Including the change of all names of the disciplines within the texts not written out here!

6.2.1 High Jump

6.2.2 Long Jump

6.2.3 Platform High Jump

6.2.4 Long Jump on Platform
A Long Jump on Platform, is a horizontal jump from platform to platform, and must fit with the rules set out in the IUF

Long Jump on Platform records are rounded down to the closest 0.01m. Precision should be to +/- 1mm using certified measuring instruments. The methodology of the measuring should be submitted with record submission.


The text under the headings (represented by the brackets [...]) is, with the exception of the names, not affected by the proposal and is therefore not listed here.

For more information please look into the discussion: "Rename Jump Events and adding Long Jump on Platform"


Proposal 5: Adding 100km as a new fixed-distance Road Racing World Record Category

Committee: Review and Update the Guidelines

Vote Summary:

Passed on January 17, 2019

Votes on this proposal:

10 out of 9 voting members have voted.

Agree: 8, Disagree: 1, Abstain: 1.


This is one of three proposals sprouting from Discussion # 7 "unlimited, ungeared and 100 km".

If this would need further discussion, it can best be held / continued in Discussion #7.




(this did not exist)



4.2.x 100km unlimited
This is the fastest ride over a 100km distance, on an unlimited unicycle.

4.2.x 100km standard
This is the fastest ride over a 100km distance, on a standard unicycle.


It is proposed to add 100km as a recognised Road Racing WR category, both in standard and unlimited.

Over the last 5 years or so, 100km races are sometimes held at Unicons and other conventions. Currently 100km is not a recognised World Record category.

The advantage of recognising this record is that we officially acknowledge who have been the fastest on this somewhat usual distance.

The disadvantage is that it may be seen as another burden on competition organisers to exactly measure a distance, and that it makes it more difficult to (also) add an arbitrary-distance road race to a convention program.

In the proposal text, the section number includes an x because of other possible additions that are also discussed in Discussion #7, and that have their own proposal.


Proposal 6: Adding a "standard" category for the 42.195 km Road Racing World Record

Committee: Review and Update the Guidelines

Vote Summary:

Passed on January 17, 2019

Votes on this proposal:

10 out of 9 voting members have voted.

Agree: 10, Disagree: 0, Abstain: 0.


This is one of three proposals sprouting from Discussion # 7 "unlimited, ungeared and 100 km".

If this would need further discussion, it can best be held / continued in Discussion #7.




4.2.1 10km unlimited
This is the fastest ride over a 10km distance, on an unlimited unicycle.

4.2.2 10km standard
This is the fastest ride over a 10km distance, on a standard unicycle.

4.2.3 Marathon unlimited 42.195km
This is a fastest ride over a 42.195km distance, on an unlimited unicycle.



4.2.x 10km unlimited
This is the fastest ride over a 10km distance, on an unlimited unicycle.

4.2.x 10km standard
This is the fastest ride over a 10km distance, on a standard unicycle.

4.2.x Marathon unlimited 42.195km
This is a fastest ride over a 42.195km distance, on an unlimited unicycle.

4.2.x Marathon standard
This is the fastest ride over a 42.195km distance, on a standard unicycle.


It is proposed to add a standard category to the Marathon Road Race World Records.

It has become quite usual to offer a "standard" marathon race at Unicons and other conventions, in addition to an unlimited version. It seems logical to include this also as a WR category.

In the proposal text, the section numbers include an x because of other possible additions that are also discussed in Discussion #7, and that (will) have their own proposal.


Proposal 9: Redefine "independent witness"; delete rights to videos and photos submitted as proof

Committee: Review and Update the Guidelines

Vote Summary:

Passed on January 17, 2019

Votes on this proposal:

9 out of 9 voting members have voted.

Agree: 8, Disagree: 1, Abstain: 0.




Under 2.1

**An independent witness is someone who is not normally associated with, or related to the participant, and has no monetary gain from the record attempt.

Under 2.2

The IUF reserves the right to use videos and photos submitted for publicity and promotional purposes without payment
or acknowledgement to the copyright owner of the material. Please ensure that the copyright owner signs an agreement
to this prior to submitting material.


Under 2.1:

**An independent witness cannot be the spouse or an immediate family member of the claimant, and has no monetary gain from the record attempt.

Under 2.2:

(no new text; just delete the whole paragraph "The IUF reserves the right (...) submitting material."


Chapter 2 may change considerably if we are going to work with a Record Claim Submission Form. But we see two changes that need to be made, insofar the current text of Chapter 2 gets into the new World Record Guidelines:

(1) in the definition of independent witness, the phrase "not normally associated with" is vague, and should be replaced by a more specific one;
(2) the current rules state that IUF reserves the right to use videos and photos submitted as proof without payment or even acknowledgement of the copyright owner. This seems unreasonable.



Proposal 8: Calculation of additional distance in time trial records

Committee: Review and Update the Guidelines

Vote Summary:

Passed on January 17, 2019

Votes on this proposal:

8 out of 9 voting members have voted.

Agree: 7, Disagree: 0, Abstain: 1.



OLD RULE (under 5.1.3):

AD = (TL x TR) / LL

NEW RULE (same place under 5.1.3)

AD = TL x (TR / LL).


A time trial record attempt (that is, an attempt to ride the greatest distance in a fixed time - the so-called set-time) must be done on a closed circuit. Only the passages across the finish line are timed. Usually, the rider will complete a whole number of laps within the set-time, and then is some time left for a partial lap until the set-time is over. He will then complete that last lap, and the final finish passage is also timed.

5.1.3 states a formula to calculate the achieved distance in the part of the very last lap that was within the set-time.

The easiest way to understand this formula is that you first calculate which fraction of the last lap fell within the set-time.
This fraction equals the time remaining to ride at the beginning of the last lap, divided by the time it took to ride the whole last lap.
Next, this fraction is multiplied by the lap length.

By this logic, the brackets should be around (TR / LL), because that is what you calculate first.

Note that mathematically, no brackets are required at all. The calculation result is the same with or without brackets (in whichever position). It's just that having brackets in the right place make the formula a bit easier to understand. Having them in the wrong place serves no purpose whatsoever.


Proposal 1: Equalling a current IUF world record

Committee: Review and Update the Guidelines

Vote Summary:

Passed on December 25, 2018

Votes on this proposal:

9 out of 9 voting members have voted.

Agree: 9, Disagree: 0, Abstain: 0.


Any performance in a record list will be rouned because we never have the possibility to measure something excactly.

Therefore we add a paragraph that says, when a performance equals an current IUF WR this performance shall have the same status as the existing WR.
To pay more honour to the first record holder we will list the names of the record holders in descending order of date.


Old Rule:

An IUF (International Unicycling Federation) world record is a unicycle world record recognised by the IUF as the best ever performance by a male and female in a recognised unicycling category, set in accordance with IUF World Record Guidelines.


New Rule:

An IUF (International Unicycling Federation) world record is a unicycle world record recognised by the IUF as the best ever performance by a male and female in a recognised unicycling category, set in accordance with IUF World Record Guidelines.

If a rider equals a current IUF world record (within its required accuracy), it will be accepted on equal standing. In the record list riders' names will be listed in ascending date order, i.e. oldest date at the top.


For more information please look into the discussion: "Performance equals an existing World Record"


Proposal 2: Relationship and referencing between World Record Guidelines and IUF Rulebook

Committee: Review and Update the Guidelines

Vote Summary:

Passed on December 27, 2018

Votes on this proposal:

9 out of 9 voting members have voted.

Agree: 9, Disagree: 0, Abstain: 0.


The background is discussed in the discussion with the same title.

(Note that a lot of the discussion was about conditions under which WR attempts may be done, but this issue has been moved to its 'own' discussion.)

Background for revision1:
(a) the version of the Rulebook to be referred to has been discussed in the discussion;
(b) the additional sentence about long-distance standard class specification occurred to me as missing.




The definition of 'Standard Unicycle' and 'Unlimited Unicycle' and other unicycling related terms are found in Section
1.23 of the IUF Rulebook. The IUF World Record Guidelines follows IUF Rulebook terminology.





Unless stated otherwise, all definitions in the latest IUF Rulebook also apply to the World Record Guidelines.

World Records in disciplines that are governed by the IUF Rulebook must comply with the rules for corresponding competitions as per the IUF Rulebook version valid at the date of the attempt.

All standard Track Racing records, as well as the standard 10k Road Race record, must be done on unicycles that comply with either 16 Class, 20 Class or 24 Class. (Note that there are no separate records for these classes.)

All standard Road Racing records beyond 10k must be done on standard unicycles up to 29 Class.


The old rule says that terminology is governed by the IUF Rulebook.
The new rule expands this to include not only terminology but also rules.
In addition, we have avoided references to specific section numbers in the Rulebook because these tend to change between versions.



Proposal 15: Rename Chapter 6

Committee: Review and Update the Guidelines

Vote Summary:

Passed on March 15, 2019

Votes on this proposal:

7 out of 9 voting members have voted.

Agree: 5, Disagree: 2, Abstain: 0.


Jumps have their own chapter in the rulebook, so we should give them their own chapter in the WRG as well.

If there is a new Urban discipline which can have a record category as well sometime, we can still add another chapter or adjust the assignment in the WRG as well. But for the moment we should follow the assignment from the rulebook.


Old Rule:



These are skill based records for the artistic freestyle, street, flatland and trials disciplines.




New Rule:



These are jump records for the urban jump disciplines.





For more information please look into the discussion #15: "Rename Chapter 6"


Proposal 14: Adding commonly-held track non-racing disciplines to the WR Guidelines

Committee: Review and Update the Guidelines

Vote Summary:

Passed on March 15, 2019

Votes on this proposal:

7 out of 9 voting members have voted.

Agree: 7, Disagree: 0, Abstain: 0.


This proposal is based on Discussion #10, "Adding commonly-held track non-racing disciplines to the WR Guidelines".

Besides the standard track racing disciplines there are some, let's call them, technical track disciplines which are not in the WR Guidelines (WRG) right now but commonly-held at unicycle competitions.
These disciplines are described in the Rulebook very well and in order to be able to recognize a new record in each of the commonly-held technical track disciplines, Track Coasting, Track Gliding, Stillstand, Slow Forward and Slow Backward, this disciplines should be included in the WRG.


Old Rule:


New Rule:


These are the records for the disciplines track: other named in the IUF Rulebook.


X.2.1 Track Coasting
This is the record for the IUF discipline Track Coasting.
In addition to the rules from the IUF Rulebook, only performances completed on a 400m track can be recognized as an IUF World Record. Coasting records are rounded down the closest 0.1m.

X.2.2 Track Gliding
This is the record for the IUF discipline Track Gliding.
In addition to the rules from the IUF Rulebook, only performances completed on a 400m track can be recognized as an IUF World Record. Gliding records are rounded down the closest 0.1m.

X.2.3 Stillstand
This is the record for the IUF discipline Stillstand.
Stillstand records are rounded down to the closest 0.1s.

X.2.4 Slow Forward
This is the record for the IUF discipline Slow Forward.
Slow Forward records are rounded down to the closest 0.1s.

X.2.5 Slow Backward
This is the record for the IUF discipline Slow Backward.
Slow Backward records are rounded down to the closest 0.1s.


For more information and the the improvement of the proposal please look and comment into the discussion: "Adding commonly-held track non-racing disciplines to the WR Guidelines"


Proposal 13: Adding 200 m, 4 x 100 m relay and 4 x 400 m relay to the WR Guidelines

Committee: Review and Update the Guidelines

Vote Summary:

Passed on March 15, 2019

Votes on this proposal:

6 out of 9 voting members have voted.

Agree: 4, Disagree: 1, Abstain: 1.


This proposal is based on Discussion #9, "Adding commonly-held standard track racing disciplines to the WR Guidelines".

In track racing we have a few more commonly-held disciplines than the six mentioned in the WR Guidelines (WRG) right now.
In order to be able to recognize a new record in each of the commonly-held disciplines, 200 m, 4 x 100 m relay and 4 x 400 m relay should be included in the WRG.
In the relay competitions there is only one mixed category, which we have to point out explicitly, because all other WR are recognized as male and female records.


Old Rule:


3.2.1 100m
This is the fastest unicycle ride over a 100m distance.

3.2.2 400m
This is the fastest unicycle ride over a 400m distance.

3.2.3 800m
This is the fastest unicycle ride over a 800m distance.

3.2.4 30m wheel walk
This is the fastest ride over a 30m distance whilst wheel-walking.

3.2.5 50m 1 foot
This is the fastest ride over a 50m distance using only one foot on the pedal.

3.2.6 IUF slalom
This is the fastest ride over the standard IUF slalom course.


New Rule:


3.2.1 100m
This is the fastest unicycle ride over a 100m distance.

3.2.2 200m
This is the fastest unicycle ride over a 200m distance.

3.2.3 400m
This is the fastest unicycle ride over a 400m distance.

3.2.4 800m
This is the fastest unicycle ride over a 800m distance.

3.2.5 30m wheel walk
This is the fastest ride over a 30m distance whilst wheel-walking.

3.2.6 50m 1 foot
This is the fastest ride over a 50m distance using only one foot on the pedal.

3.2.7 IUF slalom
This is the fastest ride over the standard IUF slalom course

3.2.8 4 x 100m relay
This is the record for the IUF discipline 4 x 100m.
Relay records are recognised in three gender categories, i.e. all-male, all-female and mixed.

3.2.9 4 x 400m relay
This is the record for the IUF discipline 4 x 400m.
Relay records are recognised in three gender categories, i.e. all-male, all-female and mixed.


For more information please look into the discussion: "Adding commonly-held standard track racing disciplines to the WR Guidelines"


Proposal 10: Attempting an IUF World Record; Number of attempts

Committee: Review and Update the Guidelines

Vote Summary:

Passed on January 17, 2019

Votes on this proposal:

8 out of 9 voting members have voted.

Agree: 4, Disagree: 1, Abstain: 3.


This proposal is based on Discussion #17.



It is recommended that you contact the IUF at least 4 weeks in advance of a record attempt.
The record must comply with the documentation criteria outlined in Section 2, and set in accordance with the guidelines pertaining to that record in Section 3,4,5,6 or 7.
Retrospective world records may be granted, subject to discretion of the IUF, and fulfilment of the IUF World Record Guidelines.

A world record can be attempted as many times as necessary. This overrules IUF Rulebook guidelines which specify number of attempts allowed during competition.


All records attempts except time trials must be done during a publicly accessible competition, or on the same day of such a competition and using the facilities of that competition. Time trials may be done during a competition.
If you are planning a record attempt outside an IUF-sanctioned competition event, it is recommended (but not required) that you contact the IUF at least 4 weeks in advance.
If in a competition a rider would be DQ'd for a reason that is not because of the riding or jumping itself, this does not invalidate the result for a World Record.
If in a competition a rider would be DQ'd (for whatever reason), he may still attempt a World Record on the same day.

For any discipline that is governed by the IUF Rulebook, a rider has the same number of attempts as specified by the Rulebook. For races this would normally be once (but twice for IUF slalom, slow races etc). For jumps the number in the current Rulebook (2017) is three attempts per height/distance, and twelve attempts overall.
This maximum number of attempts is allowed once per day (date), with the exception of a record attempt on the same day of a competition and using the equipment and officials already in place, in which case the attempt counter is reset. For time trial records, one attempt per day (date) is allowed.
The (first) attempt must be clearly announced by the rider, so that there is no misunderstanding whether the ride/jump was part of warming-up or a real attempt.


This proposal is based on Discussion #17

Almost all text in these two sections is new. The only rule carried over from the old text is the recommendation to contact the IUF in advance, but this is now only recommended for any record attempt outside of IUF-sanctioned competitions.

The most important additions are:
(1) All records must be set in a competition, except time trials.
(2) Some notes on how to deal with DQ'd riders setting a record.
(3) The number of attempts is now limited to the number of attempts (per day) as in competition. Time trials: once per day.
(4) Exception to (3) is that you may do a dedicated record attempt after the competition, using the same equipment and judges.


Proposal 11: Granting Records is subject to IUF discretion

Committee: Review and Update the Guidelines

Vote Summary:

Passed on January 17, 2019

Votes on this proposal:

9 out of 9 voting members have voted.

Agree: 9, Disagree: 0, Abstain: 0.


This proposal is based on Discussion #18



An IUF (International Unicycling Federation) world record is a unicycle world record recognised by the IUF as the best ever performance by a male and female in a recognised unicycling category, set in accordance with IUF World Record Guidelines.


An IUF (International Unicycling Federation) world record is a unicycle world record recognised by the IUF as the best ever performance by a male or female in a recognised unicycling category, set in accordance with IUF World Record Guidelines.
The right to grant an IUF World Record lies solely with the IUF, and is subject to their discretion. In case an IUF World Record is refused, the IUF will state its reason(s) for doing so.

(note that proposal 1 will most likely add another paragraph to this text, about equalling an IUF World Record.)


This proposal is based on Discussion #18.

Summary of changes:
(1) The title is clearer.
(2) In the first sentence "male and female" has been changed to "male or female".
(3) The last sentence of 1.3 has been moved to this section 1.1, while changing:
     (a) the word "Retrospective" has been deleted;
     (b) the requirement to fulfill the WR Guidelines is removed because this was a duplicate.
(4) The IUF can be held accountable if they refuse a World Record.


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International Unicycling Federation