Proposal 14: Adding commonly-held track non-racing disciplines to the WR Guidelines [ Revision 5 ]

Committee: Review and Update the Guidelines
Submitted on 2019-01-14
Status: Passed on March 15, 2019


This proposal is based on Discussion #10, "Adding commonly-held track non-racing disciplines to the WR Guidelines".

Besides the standard track racing disciplines there are some, let's call them, technical track disciplines which are not in the WR Guidelines (WRG) right now but commonly-held at unicycle competitions.
These disciplines are described in the Rulebook very well and in order to be able to recognize a new record in each of the commonly-held technical track disciplines, Track Coasting, Track Gliding, Stillstand, Slow Forward and Slow Backward, this disciplines should be included in the WRG.


Old Rule:


New Rule:


These are the records for the disciplines track: other named in the IUF Rulebook.


X.2.1 Track Coasting
This is the record for the IUF discipline Track Coasting.
In addition to the rules from the IUF Rulebook, only performances completed on a 400m track can be recognized as an IUF World Record. Coasting records are rounded down the closest 0.1m.

X.2.2 Track Gliding
This is the record for the IUF discipline Track Gliding.
In addition to the rules from the IUF Rulebook, only performances completed on a 400m track can be recognized as an IUF World Record. Gliding records are rounded down the closest 0.1m.

X.2.3 Stillstand
This is the record for the IUF discipline Stillstand.
Stillstand records are rounded down to the closest 0.1s.

X.2.4 Slow Forward
This is the record for the IUF discipline Slow Forward.
Slow Forward records are rounded down to the closest 0.1s.

X.2.5 Slow Backward
This is the record for the IUF discipline Slow Backward.
Slow Backward records are rounded down to the closest 0.1s.


For more information and the the improvement of the proposal please look and comment into the discussion: "Adding commonly-held track non-racing disciplines to the WR Guidelines"



View Discussion

Change Log:

Revision 5 changed by Jan Vocke (19 Feb 03:55)

- Change the short description.

Revision 4 changed by Jan Vocke (18 Feb 10:15)

- For the mentioned disciplines it only makes sense to round DOWN the times - so I changed it from "... records are rounded up to the closest 0.1s." to "... records are rounded down to the closest 0.1s."

Revision 3 changed by Jan Vocke (16 Feb 02:22)

- change unicyce in unicycle

Revision 2 changed by Jan Vocke (03 Feb 06:24)

Revision 1 (03.02.2019):

- Change the name to Track: Other, as used in the current rulebook

- Adding the explicit note that for coasting and gliding in addition to the rules in the rulebook for world records the performance must be achieved on an athletics track

- Adding the accuracy as discussed in discussion #6 "Accuracy of the world records"

Revision 1 changed by Jan Vocke (14 Jan 09:42)

Votes on this proposal:

7 out of 11 voting members have voted.

Agree: 7, Disagree: 0, Abstain: 0.

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International Unicycling Federation