Proposal 9: Redefine "independent witness"; delete rights to videos and photos submitted as proof [ Revision 1 ]
Committee: Review and Update the GuidelinesSubmitted on 2018-12-23
Status: Passed on January 17, 2019
Under 2.1
**An independent witness is someone who is not normally associated with, or related to the participant, and has no monetary gain from the record attempt.
Under 2.2
The IUF reserves the right to use videos and photos submitted for publicity and promotional purposes without payment
or acknowledgement to the copyright owner of the material. Please ensure that the copyright owner signs an agreement
to this prior to submitting material.
Under 2.1:
**An independent witness cannot be the spouse or an immediate family member of the claimant, and has no monetary gain from the record attempt.
Under 2.2:
(no new text; just delete the whole paragraph "The IUF reserves the right (...) submitting material."
Chapter 2 may change considerably if we are going to work with a Record Claim Submission Form. But we see two changes that need to be made, insofar the current text of Chapter 2 gets into the new World Record Guidelines:
(1) in the definition of independent witness, the phrase "not normally associated with" is vague, and should be replaced by a more specific one;
(2) the current rules state that IUF reserves the right to use videos and photos submitted as proof without payment or even acknowledgement of the copyright owner. This seems unreasonable.
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Votes on this proposal:
9 out of 9 voting members have voted.
Agree: 8, Disagree: 1, Abstain: 0.